Recommend. Use P200 multi channel pipette for aspirating from side ports.
Single P200 pipette also work.
Do not aspirate too much. This forms bubbles inside and dry up the surface.
Remove bubbles from side port if forming bubbles.
Add 0.5 mL of Ethanol, then add 0.5 mL of PBS.
Add 2 mL of PBS.
Aspirate 2 mL of PBS. Repeat 1-2 and 1-3 two times.
Add 1 mL of PBS. Now ready for cell loading.
Aspirate PBS from side ports.
Add cell suspension.
Aspirate 1 mL of buffer.
Add 1 mL of PBS. Now ready for next step.
Aspirate all buffer.
Add reagent.
Aspirate 0.2 mL. Incubate at required temperature for required time.
Add buffer.
Aspirate. Repeat step 3-4 and 3-5 two times.
Add 1 mL of PBS.